Anglican Diocese of Nsukka

About the Anglican Diocese of nsukka

The history of Church Missionary Society (CMS) or the Anglican Church in the vicinity called Nsukka Diocese should begin with the birth of the oldest church in the Diocese, which is Emmanuel Church, Ogurugu originally known as CMS Church. It came into being as a result of the establishment of United African Company (U.A.C) in Ogurugu b side the Anambra River. In 1923, the workers of the company established CMS in the area where it was Situated and early converts gathered there for catechumen classes and services. Prominent among the company workers were a white man named Gill and Habert Odukwe who was the manager of the company and hails from Onitsha in the present Anambra State.

The church continued in the “White man’s camp (Anambra River) as was nicknamed by the villagers until a land dispute arose between Ukwaji people and Atida people, both of Ogurugu The ownership of the land was justly ruled in favour of Ukwaji people through the help of the U.A.C Manager, Mr. Odukwe. In ppreciation, the land was offered to C.M.S through Mr. Odukwe: the church thus moved to this land (her present site) in 1943.

It is worthy of note that the C.M.S or Anglican Church could not Spread from Ogurugu to other parts of Nsukka. This could be Attributed to Gill and Odukwe being more committed to their Company work than to missions, evangelism and church planting.

Evidently, if Gill and Odukwe had utilized their opportunity, the Opposition from the established Roman Catholic Mission and their Adherent warrant chiefs along the axis of 9” Mile Comer- Eke When Rev. Isaac Ejindu, the Superintendent of the then Enugu District wanted to extend his mission frontiers to the vicinity of Nsukka Diocese, as Chukwuma and Agbo opined in the book Nsukka Anglican Diocese in Historical Perspective, would have Been without credit.

Motto: Deus Refugium

The motto of the Anglican Diocese of Nsukka, Deus Refugium (Latin for “God Our Refuge”), reflects a profound trust in God as the ultimate protector and source of strength. It emphasises reliance on His guidance, comfort, and salvation, inspiring believers to seek refuge in Him amid life’s challenges.

However, the Lord of the Church whose sole duty it is to establish and nurture His church paved another way. It was in 1927, when Omeje Ugwuanyi Idike the Eze of Alor-Uno in his glamour and Majesty resolved to build an edifice in his domain. After much Consultation, he employed the services of some sawyers to get the necessary wood for a storey building. Among the sawyers and workmen were John Enyi and Emmanuel Enyi from Eha-Amufu. They were among the new converts to the Anglican Church. They had tasted and imbibed the new religion and were full of zeal for its propagation. They sang melodiously and at intervals knelt down to pray to a supreme God that is not represented by things made by human hands.

The Eze Omeje Ugwuanyi took active interest in what his workers were doing. Hence, he desired to have and support the new religion in his Kingdom. After an exhaustive discussion with the Enyi brothers, a delegation from the Eze of Alor-Uno was sent to_zowulu Ejindu, who was then Pastor at Ngwo requesting him to send a church teacher to Alor-Uno. The be delegates were assured that within a year a teacher a church teacher would be sent to them on a condition that the teacher must be paid and a place for the new church/school be provided by the Eze.

The Eze was undaunted. He accepted the conditions. Though he was not a convert, he used his political influence to ensure the establishment of the school and church. True to the promise made, by January 1928, Mr. Joseph Eze from Nachi was sent to Alor-Uno as the first church/school teacher. The church/school grew from initial six converts and students to sixty within a short period.

Prior to the arrival of the church teacher, the group of converts from Alor-Uno moved to Nsukka in 1927, a distance of about six kilometers where they heard that Christians were working in various government establishments. The government officials. who were mostly strangers, welcomed the idea of the Anglican Church having a base in Nsukka as a divisional headquarters.

The church having established two strong bases at Eha-Amufu and Nsukka continued to expand to other towns. In 1930, Rev. Andrew N. Asiekwu from Asaba came to Nsukka as the first priest. He was a priest who knew his weapons and used it effectively. He was noted for his vibrant campaign against idolatrous life and zeal in planting new Churches.

His successors included:
Rev. C. O. Meme – 1938
Rev. Benard – 1939-1944
Rev. Eleazar I. Ude – 1945-1950
Rev. Whilliet – 1950-1956
Rev. H. O. Nwaigwe – 1956-1960
Rev. N. Emeligo – 1960-1964
Rev. D. N. Ezirim – 1965-1967
Ven. S. A. Eze – 1970-1974
Ven. H. O. Ude – 1974
Rev. Umeh – 1974
Ven. S. O. Ugwuanyi – 1975

On 22nd February, 1976 Nsukka Archdeaconry made up of five Parishes – Nsukka, Umulokpa, Eha-Amufu, Enugu-Ezike and Abakaliki was inaugurated with St. Paul’s Church (now Cathedral) as its headquarters. Ven. Simon Odo Ugwuanyi was its first Archdeacon. Within a period of Seventeen years, the Archdeaconry increased by three times its size.

Also, within this period, Nsukka Archdeaconry gave birth to two new Archdeaconries.
(a) Abakaliki Archdeaconry inaugurated in 1989 with Ven. J. C. Ilonuba as the first Archdeacon. He later became the Pioneer Bishop of Nsukka Diocese.
(b) Eha-Amufu Archdeaconry, inaugurated in 1993 with the Ven. C. N. Ozioko as its first Archdeacon.

Creation of Nsukka Diocese

With the growth of evangelism and creation of more fertile ground for gospel in this area, the desire to create an Anglican Diocese of Nsukka started to sprout in the hearts of many Christians. The first Practical step to actualize this desire was made during the Second Session of the Eight Synod of the Enugu Diocese held at St. Peter’s Church Ogbete, Enugu Archdeaconry; the Synod Resolution No. 1 (iv) stated as follows “This Synod in session after due deliberations thanks the Almighty God for His continuous guidance. We further thank God for the Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. G. N. Otubelu whose industry and leadership of the flock resulted in the approval to carve out a new Diocese of Nsukka from Enugu Diocese. The Synod in session thanks God for this development and hopes that members in the proposed Diocese will work hard to make the proposal a reality”.

On Tuesday November 16th, 1993. The proposal turned a reality and Ven. J. C. Ilonuba was named Bishop elect of Nsukka. He was consecrated Bishop of Nsukka along with four others by the Archbishop of Nigeria the most Rev. J.A. Adetiloye at St. January, 1994. On that Michael’s Cathedral Aba on Thursday 6th day, a large number of people from this Diocese went to Aba to take part in the historic and most solemn consecration ceremony. The solemnity of the five-hour service, the cordial expression of Christian fellowship by the mammoth crowd present, the overwhelming evidence of spiritual rejuvenation cannot be described in mere words.

Inauguration of Nsukka Diocese and Enthronement of Rev. J. C. llonuba as the Lord Bishop of Nsukka
The final act of this very happy episode was played out on Tuesday 11th January, 1994. That day, at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Nsukka, the Archbishop, metropolitan and primate of all Nigeria, the Most Rev. J. A. Adetiloye inaugurated the Anglican Diocese of Nsukka. This was followed by the enthronement of Rt. Rev. J. C. Ilonuba as the first Anglican Bishop of Nsukka. The crowd that assembled for the occasion was the largest ever seen in St. Paul’s premises.

The Archbishop and the following Bishops were present at the inauguration and enthronement ceremony: –

  1. Rt. Rev. G. N. Otubelu – The Bishop of Enugu
  2. Rt. Rev. B. C. Nwankiti – The Bishop of Owerri Diocese & Dean of the Province
  3. Rt. Rev. M. S. C. Anikwenwa – The Bishop of Awka Diocese
  4. Rt. Rev. Prof. A. O. Iwuagwu – The Bishop of Aba Diocese
  5. Rt. Rev. C. C. Anyanwu – The Bishop of Mbaise Diocese
  6. Rt. Rev. E. E. Nglass – The Bishop of Uyo Diocese
  7. Rt. Rev. B. C. I. Okolo – The Bishop of Okigwe South Diocese
  8. Rt. Rev. A.I.S. Nwizuzu – The Bishop of Okigwe North Diocese
  9. Rt. Rev. S.C.N. Ebo – The Bishop of Orlu Diocese
  10. Rt. Rev. Benjamin Kwashi – The Bishop of Jos
  11. Rt. Rev. Dr. E. B. Gbonigi – The Bishop of Akure Diocese
  12. Rt. Rev. S. O. Adenin – The Bishop of Ondo
  13. Rt. Rev. C. A. Akinbola – The Bishop of Ekiti Diocese
  14. Rt. Rev. U. U. Ezuoke – The Bishop of Umuahia Diocese

Also present at the occasion were the clergy from all over Nigeria, first Executive Governor of Enugu State, a former Deputy Governor of Anambra State, Igwes, Chiefs, Leaders of thought from all over Nigeria who added colour to the occasion.

On the same day, Barr. Geoffrey Nwodo and Sir Barr. F. I. N. Ngwu were admitted as the first Chancellor and Registrar respectively. Six years after, Sir (Chief) Barr. Obiora Nzewi was admitted at the second Chancellor on February 13th, 2000. Barrister Nnaemeka Ogbonna was later appointed the Assistant Registrar of the diocese. Hon. Justice Pearl Enejere and Barr. Uche Eze became members of the Diocesan Legal Officers.

Leadership and Growth

The Standing Committee Meeting of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) which was held at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Uruagu, Nnewi, Anambra State on Friday 28th March 2008 gave birth to the election of the second Bishop of Nsukka Diocese. This was following the retirement of the Pioneer Bishop, which was due on the 6th of July, 2008, haven served meritoriously and succeeded in laying solid foundation for the Diocese.


The consecration was held at St. James’ The Great Cathedral, Okebola, Ibadan on the 14th of May 2008. A life transforming 7-day retreat led by the Rt. Rev. Prof. Akao Bishop of Sabongida-Ora Diocese preceded the consecration. Nineteen Bishops participated in the retreat and were consecrated. Aloysius was the only Bishop from an existing Diocese. Among those who graced the consecration at Ibadan from Nsukka were Dr. M. Ajogwu (SAN), His Worship Vera Ajogwu, Sir Barrister Obiora Nzewi, Barrister Nnaemeka Ogbonna and a host of others. Well-wishers within and beyond the shores of Anglican Communion thronged out en-mass to welcome the new Bishop from Ibadan. This train was led by Ven. Ephraim Asogwa and the entire members of St. Paul’s Cathedral. The crowd was overwhelming and the event historic was likened to the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The bishop’s entourage was enthusiastically received the same at Ogbede, where Venerable Anioke and his team took charge. At Opi, it was an unbelievable carnival of sort. The Vice Chancellor of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, then, Ven. Prof. Chinedu Nebo donated his wife’s car and the University Coaster Bus for the consecration. The Director, National Orthopedic Hospital, Enugu, Sir Dr. Chukwuemeka Eze and the entire Management Board also provided a Coaster Bus which helped immensely in conveying our members to Ibadan.

The new Bishop was enthroned on the 6th of July 2008 at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Nsukka following the bowing out of the pioneer Bishop. The event attracted a sea of people from all walks of life and worshippers from different denominations, ranging from Roman Catholic church to other Pentecostal and orthodox denominations.

meet our lod bishop

Bishop Aloysius Agbo is the Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Nsukka. A devoted servant of God, he is committed to evangelism, discipleship, and church growth. Through his leadership, the diocese has witnessed spiritual and infrastructural development. He passionately upholds sound doctrine, missions, and the holistic transformation of lives.

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